I have a degree in Modern English and a degree in Psychology from Trinity College Dublin. I moved to the UK to pursue postgraduate psychology training and have an MSc In Health Psychology from the University of Surrey and an MSc in Organisational and Occupational Psychology from the University of East London. As I began to develop my psychology practice my interest in making sense of the reciprocal relationship between individuals and the systems that form them, led me to pursue further training. I developed my skills in systems psychodynamic work by doing consultancy training at the Tavistock Centre and then completed Family Therapy modules through the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice. 
My role as an in–house psychologist for staff at the Royal Free Hospital in London was formative for me. My brief was to provide a clinical service for staff while working organisationally to provide system level interventions to improve team and organisational culture. This experience deepened my understanding of how to work creatively and briefly with individuals under pressure and how to use this work to design organisational interventions informed by my understanding of unseen staff experience and the true sources of distress and dysfunction. Writing my book helped me make sense of this experience and to communicate the value of using psychology to build bridges between public and private experience to enhance individual and organisational effectiveness and wellbeing. 
I have described this work in detail in my book True Tales of Organisational Life. The book also illuminates how I developed my story telling techniques, brought psychology to the centre of organisational life making it accessible to those who might be less receptive to what it can offer, and used my psychology experience and expertise to inform the development and rollout of what became the UK Schwartz Round model. Through this experience I realised the value of further developing and deepening this approach and began to craft bespoke interventions for a range of professional groups derived from an analysis of the unique features of their professional cultures and organisational contexts.  
True Tales of Organisation Life
I have continued to develop this work in my private practice including creating my own highly rated bespoke group work interventions tailored to the needs of doctors, lawyers, human rights, health and social care professionals. These interventions enable them to transform their relationship to traumatic case work providing relief, an understanding of the cumulative emotional impact of their work and greater clarity about how to manage their relationship to work and life roles to better protect wellbeing and enhance effectiveness. In 2021 I was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Occupational Medicine Division of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland for the work I have done throughout my career developing interventions for doctors. 
I work now between London and Dublin, have clients throughout Europe and alongside my consultancy practice I am regularly invited to give talks and write about my work. 
I continue to be energised, fascinated and inspired by the creative challenge of working closely with a wide range of people and organisations to create psychology interventions that are different enough to make a difference by enabling individuals and organisations to relate authentically to themselves and the very challenging contexts of their work. Throughout my career I have drawn from three strands of experience to create the interventions I offer: 
My love of storytelling and of writing. 
My interest in narrative and the shape it gives to our lives and our work, and my fascination with the way stories form us, may trap us and can also release us. 
My experience of emigration leading to feeling at home in two very contrasting cities with all the contradictions that can involve. 
I have learnt that the position of insider-outsider is a helpful one for a psychologist and an organisational consultant and that creative and transformative psychology draws on the ability to translate, and to hold in mind opposition and contradictions while paying attention to context. 
I have also learnt that stories are always being told and that if they cannot be safely spoken about they will always seep out in our bodies and in our relationships including the relationships to, and within, work. I help my clients and client organisations to attend to these stories in their work systems and understand their meaning, so that they can approach complex challenges wisely and with a surer footing. 

I am a chartered psychologist, chartered scientist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society; a practitioner psychologist registered with the HCPC; an Honorary Fellow of the Occupational Medicine Division of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (RCPI); and a member of OPUS, an organisation for promoting understanding of society and organisations within society.  

I am a BPS accredited and chartered psychologist chartered scientist, and member of health, coaching and occupational psychology divisions. 
I am a registered psychologist. 
PYL 22318 
I was awarded an honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland on the basis of my work throughout my career developing interventions for doctors. 
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